Tuesday, February 25, 2014

......A Lost "SMILE" !

...the Sweetest,the Unadulterated and the most Innocent part of our lives !
...when we were the truest of us and way beyond all lies,aspirations or avarice !

"The only thing that could sadden us was our Broken Toy,could make us cry were the Bleeding Knees,could  leave us excited us was Riding on a Swing and could turn us happy was the Cuddling of our Mothers .The selfless thoughts of helping a friend made us feel proud !"
Maybe the "FEAR of NOTHING" kept us going !

~ But as they every beautiful phase has a Culmination...so has it !

The urge and the never-ending desire to find "BIGGER" Happiness has kept us aloof to even think about the "SMALLER" ones which were so dear to us once....But there are times when we get dejected of this stereotyped LIFE of adulthood and feel forced to cherish those moments .Well....this rhyme is nothing but a small dedication to that SILENT KID in all of us which has lost its Smile somewhere in the course of heading forward .

"Let's keep making Endeavors to Conjure that Smiling One back into the Business of our LIVES !

The Night was Unsettled
So was I......
Both of Us finding it touch Harder,
For the SLEEP to come by !

The Reason was yet to be Ascertained,
And its Solution still to be Invented.
Settling onto the scores were "Me n She(night)"
"Who Left us here where We least Expected to be ??"

Gazing out of the Windows into the Sky,
And intruding into some of the Thoughts inside,
I could see Millions of those Twinkling...
Asking myself..."When did I last count them without my Eyes Blinking?"

Perhaps the Darkness and Eerie of the Night made it clear
The very Nostalgia of "A Lost Childhood" cultivated this fear
However the Endeavor to counting those was yet again Futile
Still I could find myself ending up with a SMILE..... :)
For maybe I'd helped Myself.....
To Coercing some of my Barren Thoughts turning back Fertile !!!

Quote : 28

Never let your EGO transform into something ......
"LARGER than your LIFE" !

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Call From My Heart II : "yOu in mE "

Heart, as the Science explains, does the function of circulation and pumping of blood. Still, it's no secret that there are quite a few amazing things the heart does for us which are still inexplicable. For me, it has been the sole and honest companion for all the years since I gained consciousness.It has been the witness of all what I have been through.Maybe it is quite much aware of the fact the way I am ! So, time and again, whenever I am in a state of melancholy,it silently calls to me from inside and whispers a few words of consolation and at times even explains the reasons for why I shouldn't feel perturbed.In return, I have a few words to exchange with it too. Those maybe either regarding what am I feeling inside or to what do I need to do to get over the things I can't evade ! Like two of the closest friends ,we have built a strong nexus and keep working upon to let it grow even stronger with time . Sometimes consoling , sometimes opposing ! But, the best part is none of us has ever been ignorant or insignificant to one another.

There are many a times when we are through tough times, feel like turned upside down and that's when we seek for its help the most ! It sincerely explains that..."Mate, It's time to head for a Voyage....A VOYAGE to Re-discovering Truths of Life !" I would ask for the way to do it..And guess what , it would leave me with the most stringent of the ways to go about it. It would assert  "If you want to know the Truth, Let the MASKS Fall ...And when you would get to know the same,You will find yourself set FREE.It will gradually help you out to "Rising Above Hate" !"

Like anyone of us, I still have many aberrations in me.Thankfully, my sincere heart keeps reminding me of those from time to time and thus aiding me to bringing out a better HOMO SAPIEN out of me.

"All Regards and Indebtedness to....my HEART, for always being there for me, in me !
THANK YOU MATE.....Keep Calling !!! :)

A Rhymic Conversation : "You in Me"

The Words were Silent yet Eyes could speak
But there was Noone to let those sneak
....Sooner a VOICE whispered from inside
"Always here to accost & help you decide !"

'The Perplexed Me' wished to inquire of this Intrusion
As to Who's the Creator of this Involution....
Who's this Unknown invading this Silence outside
And endeavoring to assuage the NOISY ME inside

It Replied..."Well, A Voice intended to make you remind
I am just the "YOU in ME" that echoes from behind
Giving you all the Liberty and License to complain
And sharing all your Joys n Sorrows without restrain"

"I am the one listening to you with all the Alacrity
Admonishing and Cuddling without losing equanimity
Following you anytime anywhere like a Shadow beside
They named me "Heart" ,I just call myself "A Friend For Life !!! "

Friday, February 14, 2014

Quote : 27

Paint your DREAMS on a larger CANVAS
Let them go BIGGER n HIGHER...!!!

Quote : 26

Friendship supersedes Love even in the number of characters it can hold together !